Stand Tū Māia is a charity providing an Intensive Wraparound social service response through it's Stand for Children service (which includes Therapeutic Care and Education in Children's Villages) to children aged 5 to 12 and their families, it's Family Therapy service for children 0-18 (including unborns) and their families, the Social Services in Schools service and a Kidzacool Adventures holiday programme for children aged 5 up to 14.
We work to transform the lives of children and young people who are at significant risk of harm to their well-being as a consequence of the environment in which they are being raised and their own complex needs.
For each child we seek to develop their capacity to live in healthy, hopeful relationships with others. On this depends all of the other necessary outcomes which contribute to their ability to enjoy life and reach their potential.
Our Kaupapa
Our Vision
A World Strong with Tamariki
Restoring and preserving tamariki and whānau wellness for a better Aotearoa
Te Tāhuhu Tamatatia, Tiakanga We hold on high two strong steadfast kupu that guide and lead our work
Our Mission
Tamariki and whānau are safe, recover from past trauma, reconnect with each other and create a positive future
Our Values
In support of our vision and mission, Stand Tū Māia values are embedded in tikanga:
Te reo me ona tikanga –The language and underpinning values
Whānau, hapu and iwi –whānau and wider kinship relationships
Whakamana Tangata –Respect
Te Whakawhānaungatanga o nga mea katoa –Diversity
Nga mahi tika –Rectitude
We enable New Zealand’s most vulnerable children to be seen and heard, in safety, and have their dreams and hopes nurtured.
Our strategic intent is to ensure lasting outcomes for all vulnerable children using a partnership approach with every organisation active and interested in making New Zealand a safer, healthier and happier place for our children.
An important goal of Stand Children’s Services service is to partner with families and community stakeholders to support, maintain and enhance our most vulnerable children’s lives in the homes, schools and communities they belong in. We believe that both families and local communities are strengthened in this process.
Our Whakapapa
The Children's Health Camp movement began in 1919, but arose from a need that had been recognised much earlier. The poor health standard of those recruited for the Boer War caused real concern for the Government of the time. It highlighted the need for improved child health and prompted the Education Department to employ medical practitioners and nurses to visit schools.
The First World War saw many of these professionals join the armed forces. In 1919 Dr Elizabeth Gunn, a school medical officer for Wanganui, had the inspiration and opportunity to pilot a summer “canvas camp”. She gained the help of a Wanganui farmer who offered his property in the Turakina Valley as a venue.
Our Whanau
Stand Tu Maia’s greatest asset is our people.