David Boyle (Chair)

Until recently, David was Head of Sales and Marketing for Mint Asset Management a wholly New Zealand owned active fund manager, and is well known for his passion regarding financial capability with some 37 years in the financial services industry. At Mint David was responsible for growing the brand and funds under management. He is currently taking a break from full-time work and contributing more to his community interests. David has just been appointed as the Chair of Whai Rawa, which is a savings scheme that helps Ngai Tahu create wealth and wellbeing through tertiary education, home ownership and retirement.

Previously David worked for the Commission for Financial Capability (CFFC). Highlights from the role included working on the changes to KiwiSaver as part of the Retirement Income Policy Review, being part of the Government steering group to review the Financial Adviser Act, helping to get financial capability in schools, and getting the good word out any way possible to help New Zealander's improve their overall financial wellbeing. Before moving to CFFC, David held General Manager roles with ANZ Wealth in distribution and funds management and was a member of its leadership team.

He is also a board member for Play It Strange, a small charity that brings song writing and music alive in schools. He also writes for the preeminent music website Radio 13 reviewing the latest albums and concerts.

Sean Conway (Deputy Chair)

Sean was born in Auckland but has spent most of his life in Wellington.

Sean previously advised Stand Tū Māia for two and a half years while working for a private law firm. This gave him an understanding and deep respect for the work Stand Tū Māia does with communities and children in Aotearoa. Sean now works as a lawyer at the Crown Law Office.

Sean has a Master of Laws (Dist) at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He describes himself as very honoured to be a member of the Board and to have the opportunity to contribute to the work of Stand Tū Māia.

Wayne Chapman

Wayne is a dairy farmer. Whangarei born and bred, of Nga Puhi descent, his background is in banking. He is involved in sports administration, and is a long-term Rotarian, Paul Harris Fellow, and has received the Distinguished Meritorious Service award.

Wayne has been a long-time advocate of the organisation and effectively led the Board for over 20 years before standing down and staying on the Board as immediate past chair.

Helen Eskett MNZM (Finance Committee Chair)

Helen has a background in accounting. She lives in Christchurch and is of Ngai Tahu descent. Helen is currently the Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee, is self-employed as an employment consultant.

Helen is the immediate past president of the NZ Family Planning Association and until recently was the Treasurer of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) which works in more than 150 countries.

Helen is also a Board Director for the Concept Foundation, a Global organisation based in Geneva and Bangkok. Founded by WHO 25 years ago, the Concept Foundation identifies, innovates and enables equitable access to quality-assured, affordable, essential sexual and reproductive health medicines and technologies.

Susana Lei’ataua

Susana was born and raised in Porirua, and now as an active member of the Pacific community in Tamaki Makaurau, she brings a breadth of knowledge drawn from around Aotearoa New Zealand.

Susana began as a journalist 40 years ago and her love for communication connects with her heart for the community. As a result, she has worked with people and places around Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally. Roles and responsibilities have spanned radio, theatre, marae, galleries, print, government agencies, NGOs, universities, iwi organisations, museums and television.

She was a trustee for the National Pacific Radio Trust from 2011-2015 which was a government appointment. And Susana is currently a presenter and producer with Radio New Zealand.

She is the founding director of LAKA which is dedicated to supporting both heritage and contemporary Pacific art and cultural practices including with the growers, makers and practitioners.

She is a founding member for MANAVA for Climate Resilience - working with the Auckland Council to support Pacific communities in Tamaki Makaurau in response to the city's climate plan 2023-2026.

Being a board member for Stand Tū Māia stems from her commitment to serve the community and specifically Pasifika children and families in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Paraone Pirika

Paraone was born in “Te Takere o te Waka Te Arawa” Rotorua at a place called Owhata, under the watchful eye of his ancestral houses ‘Tutanekai & Hinemoa,’ into a family of 12 with him being the youngest. he started his working life on a farm as a shepherd before moving to Wellington where he worked in General Motors Car Factory for 5 years as a car painter, before returning to Rotorua. Whilst in Wellington he met his wife, whom has since passed on, of Te Whanau a Ruataupare, Ngati Porou and Ngati Rongowhakaata descent. They had 2 girls who have given them three awesome mokopuna, all boys.

For the past 20 years Paraone has been working in Education and Social Services, specialising in working with young people referred by Oranga Tamariki and Youth Justice. He is currently chair of

Te Pukenga Koeke o Te Arawa, Ngati Tuteniu Hapu Trust, Te Whare Whitinga o Te Ra ECE and Te Parewaitai Lifestyle Village. He is also a director for Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa and a trustee for Te Arawa Whanau Ora. Ngati Te Rorooterangi Hapu Trust, Te Orea Trust, Te Kahui Ako Rawhiti mai, Te Waiariki Purea Trust NGO, and Te Tatau Pounamu Community Collective.

Roy Tikao

Roy was appointed to the Stand Tū Māia Board to represent the interests of Ngāti Wheke who are the hapū that hold mana whenua and mana moana over Whakaraupō and the surrounding areas, on which is the Stand Tū Māia Village in Otautahi. Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke is one of the 18 Papatipu Rūnanga that make up Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, the iwi authority representing Ngāi Tahu whānui.

Roy is the owner/director of Excellence Consultancy which provides Business, Coaching, Mentoring and Training services. He is Co-Chair of Te Ahu Patiki Charitable Trust which is a publicly purchased Conservation Park, and Chair of the Positive Directions Trust, and NGO in the Whanau Ora space. He is also Secretary for Te Hapu o Ngati Wheke Inc and a Director on Te Poho o Tamatea Charitable Trust, a Marae investment Company.

Roy lives on his beautiful ancestral lands and often generously hosts the children attending the Stand Tū Māia Village along with the Stand Tū Māia staff at his marae.

Dr Fiona Inkpen (CEO)

Fiona has held senior positions in community-based organisations as well as the corporate and government worlds. She has considerable experience in helping organisations, individuals and groups to develop their potential, sometimes in very difficult situations and with significant barriers. Fiona’s strengths include her great combination of experience at the coalface combined with demonstrated clinical skills, team leadership skills and strategic ability.

Fiona gained her PhD from Victoria University of Wellington. As well as practical experience in psychopathology and community work, in the past she has held board positions with the Schizophrenia Fellowship (Wellington) and Richmond Fellowship (National).

Fiona’s experience includes 23 years as the Chief Executive of Stand Tū Māia taking the organisation from threat of closure to being a deeply respected, locally and nationally, specialist child and family service. She was previously General Manager of the Community Living Trust, HR and Organisational Development Manager for Fisher and Paykel Finance, Programme Manager at Arohata Prison, and Director Richmond Fellowship, Wellington. She has also been a training and development consultant, counsellor and psychotherapist.