David Boyle (Chair)
Until recently, David was Head of Sales and Marketing for Mint Asset Management a wholly New Zealand owned active fund manager, and is well known for his passion regarding financial capability with some 37 years in the financial services industry. At Mint David was responsible for growing the brand and funds under management. He is currently taking a break from full-time work and contributing more to his community interests. David has just been appointed as the Chair of Whai Rawa, which is a savings scheme that helps Ngai Tahu create wealth and wellbeing through tertiary education, home ownership and retirement.
Previously David worked for the Commission for Financial Capability (CFFC). Highlights from the role included working on the changes to KiwiSaver as part of the Retirement Income Policy Review, being part of the Government steering group to review the Financial Adviser Act, helping to get financial capability in schools, and getting the good word out any way possible to help New Zealander's improve their overall financial wellbeing. Before moving to CFFC, David held General Manager roles with ANZ Wealth in distribution and funds management and was a member of its leadership team.
He is also a board member for Play It Strange, a small charity that brings song writing and music alive in schools. He also writes for the preeminent music website Radio 13 reviewing the latest albums and concerts.
Sean Conway (Deputy Chair)
Sean was born in Auckland but has spent most of his life in Wellington.
Sean previously advised Stand Tū Māia for two and a half years while working for a private law firm. This gave him an understanding and deep respect for the work Stand Tū Māia does with communities and children in Aotearoa. Sean now works as a lawyer at the Crown Law Office.
Sean has a Master of Laws (Dist) at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He describes himself as very honoured to be a member of the Board and to have the opportunity to contribute to the work of Stand Tū Māia.