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Our Mission:


Tamariki and whānau are safe, recover from past trauma, reconnect with each other and create a positive future.


Our Services

Our services include our nationwide Stand for Children Service (which is inclusive of the therapeutic care and education component delivered in our children's villages) therapeutic social work services delivered in home based and school based settings, family therapy, and a holiday programme for caregivers, including grandparents and foster parents. 

Our community and school social workers have many years of experience providing individualised support to children and families who have complex needs and family structures.

Programmes provided by Stand Stand Tū Māia include Family Development Programmes such as Te Puawai, Keeping the Magic Going, Stepping Out and Family Return on Investment (Family ROI). 

Programmes for children and young people include our Therapeutic Care and Education (children's villages), KidzaCool Adventures, Theraplay, Sunshine Circles, Circle of Courage, Seasons for Growth, Storm Birds, Journey of Hope and a variety of other programmes that address the individual health, education and social needs of children.



Our Impact

We pride ourselves in constantly seeking new insights, and we use our courage and vision to challenge conventional beliefs and practices in an effort to better the lives of our most vulnerable children and families.

We stand in awe of the courage that we see every day as children engage with us to explore and reframe past pain and work so hard to heal, learn and grow. We also give special recognition to the parents/caregivers we work with who often have known enormous suffering themselves and yet show the gold standard of courage when they bare their lives, hearts and souls to help their wounded children.



Children and families worked with in 2017-18





and with what was achieved



of parents surveyed were satisfied

with the services provided and the outcomes achieved.




Get Involved

You can help Stand Tū Māia through donations of your time, goods needed for our tamariki, experiences that you or an organisation you're part of can provide and most of all, money to help fund our programmes. We're largely government funded but there are always gaps in the budget to fill!

If you're an experienced social worker or wanting to help make a difference in children's lives, then consider a career with Stand and work from one of our nation-wide locations.



We're always looking for people who share our vision. Check out our vacancies site for postitions around the country.


Please contact your nearest village for more information about volunteering or donating goods.

Make a FINANCIAL Donation

Your monetary donations very warmly welcomed. The link below will take you to our Give-a-little page.